Hello everyone! How are y’all doin’? This past week, the week I didn’t write my email, was a good week. We had transfers! And in the end Hermana Benitez and I got the chance to stay together. I was relieved. I felt like there was something more to learn from her so I could grow a little more as a missionary and as a person. Lucky me, I have been learning a lot more, and hopefully growing and bettering myself.

One day this past week we made Argentine Empanadas, that was way cool. Text me if you all are interested in getting the recipe, I can take a picture of that. But basically it was a blast. We did it in the house of an (what we like to call) everlasting investigator, and we enjoyed it. It was one of the last moments Hermana Kauer, the other American, got to spend with us. Unfortunately Hermana Kauer is getting transfered!

Anyways, my companion told me this week that she was discouraged, so we went out and worked extra hard. My dad (well many people) told me a while ago that when we are focused on being discouraged that just means that we need to work harder so we never even get the chance to think. So we worked really hard. We found 11 new people to teach when the goal was 6, 8 lessons with members when the goal was 5, and many many people (investigators) went to church this week. QUE PILAS!! Working well like that is always nice. Until my compi got a little sick. Urinary tract infection. She was in a lot of pain so we stayed at the house a little bit.

Staying at home because of a sickness is always the worst. There’s literally nothing to do. Other than clean, read a little bit of the scriptures, watch some gospel videos, and yeah. I’ve trained myself to not sleep during the day, so that was not an option. Luckily she healed quickly and we got going to work this week.

This week was a tough one, not gonna lie. For those who are reading this now or in the future…. the mission is not all rose colored. We definitely don’t have terrible horrible challenges like the ones you can have outside of the mission, but we do have struggles. Like areas, companions, etc. Mine…..starts with a C….and ends with a ION.

Just know (person that is reading this), it’s okay. I know that when a situation like this comes we really just need to take a deep breath, remember that we are good people, remember that we are loved, and remember what our purpose is here on the mission. Satan is definitely a pretty pretty mean guy. I know he loves to put mean and sad thoughts to hurt us, but just keep moving forward and we can do it. Really, in situations like this we just need to remember that we are all children of God, and that we should all love one another, even if someone doesn’t love you back. But yeah….we can do this. I’m pretty sure Kelly Clarkson wrote the song that says ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’. Yeah, its true. That’s my drama for the week.

I hope all of you guys are okay. I hope you all enjoyed your mothers day. Mothers of the Possie and Wolff family….I love you. Thank you all for supporting me in my decision to serve a mission. I am putting my all into it because of all of the love and support that I have been given from you guys. Thank you. I will continue to serve with all my heart for the next 8 months…..and then after lets have the biggest party ever. Love you guys so much, thank you guys, and have a good week.

Love, Ari