Wow!! This is probably the craziest week I’ve had so far on my mission! The protests are still going on, although we aren’t restricted to remain in our house, we aren’t able to leave the town of Sayaxche. The roads or at least some of the roads are still blocked off from cars and traffic passing. We just barely saw some trucks pass by Sunday night to make some necessary deliveries. I thought perhaps we’ll get lucky and be able to leave soon! Our investigator Marvin is scheduled to be baptized this week, but we couldn’t find any baptisimal clothes that fit him. We asked the members if any of them had some white clothes that fit Marvin that they could lend, no luck! We even tried the pacas (local small market) they had nothing to offer that was just white. We had the idea that perhaps we could find something in the neighboring city of Santa Elena. However with the riots going on we weren’t sure if we’d make the trip since the rioters would close down the roads without notice. We didn’t want to risk getting stuck in the middle of nowhere. We thought and prayed about what we ought to do for a while. On Monday, we decided to make the trip to Santa Elena, the trip went without incident, but once we arrived to Santa Elena we were informed that no buses would be running for the next week due to the riots. We spent our P-day in Santa Elena with the other missionaries and it was a happy day, however we were worried about how we were going to get back home! Tuesday morning with white clothes in hand, we went to the bus stop to see if the buses were indeed running. We were very fortunate, the buses were running and we were able to make it home, drop off the clothes. Mission accomplished!

The next day we got up early and started to once again travel to San Benito for our zone conference. The zone conference was weird as it was via zoom, but it was nice to see everyone especially with all the craziness of the riots.

Friday was Marvin’s baptism. It was super special. The members arrived early to help with the decorations and the snacks. When Marvin and his family arrived, we started. President Elmer baptized Marvin, his sweet mom was a witness along with Hna. Pineda. It was such a happy experience. I was so happy for their diligence and faith in Christ. Although he doesn’t know much yet, he knew he needed to get baptized. It was super special. Other than those amazing events, nothing much happened this week.

Halloween is coming soon. Happy spooky season! No one here celebrates halloween, so I didn’t even remember till I started to write this message. Nevertheless happy Halloween everyone, I hope this week was a good one for y’all. I’ll catch you next week!

