Buenos dias todos!! I hope everyone has been having a good week! These weeks have definitely been getting special and crazy with Christmas coming up soon. More people have been more receptive to hear about Jesus Christ during this month. That’s a big yay for us because the progression with our investigators has been going down slowly. So finding new people to teach has been a big goal this week! Along with a few baptism dates that we’ve been preparing for Hermana Erlinda Pop, Leonely Ortega Jeronimo, Wendy Santos and Hermana Alejandría Lopez Pop! I’m hoping that we get some baptism dates this week!

This week we’ve had some magical experiences here in San Jeronimo. Working with and getting to know my companion has been going great! Of course this is our second week living together and being around each other 24/7, so we’re still getting used to that! We’ve been learning a lot at a very fast pace.

This week we have been planning and preparing for a ward activity. It was crazy all week, planning and helping with the activity. Ultimately the activity went great! Many members and one investigator showed up to the activity. We had another great experience with a member this week that went very well. He’s a member of our ward but goes to the capital the majority of the time for the youth ward. Anyways we went to his house and talked with him for a while. He asked both my companion and I a LOT of questions. When he asked us questions about marriage and other topics similar to that it got me thinking and had an extremely spiritually strengthening moment. I ended up sharing my testimony of the importance and beauty of having an eternal family. After feeling the Spirit strong enough to make me cry (I cry a lot these days!) I collected myself and we shared a message of Christmas. The experience is one that I will never forget!

Anyways, it’s short and late this week but I’m already writing next week’s blog because once again we’ll be heading up to Cobán.

It has been getting a bit colder these days in my area. I’m always wrapped up in my jacket throughout the day. People are always asking me why I’m so cold here since it’s much colder and even snowy in Utah? I just shrug and zip up my jacket because ‘saber’ (who knows!)

Anyways, stay warm everyone. Have a good week! Love you all!



  1. Sharing tacos with my comp
  2. Christmas decorations with members
  3. Getting setup
  4. Rainbow… good omen for ward activity??
  5. Greeting members and investigator
  6. Ward Christmas activity
  7. Fun with the kids
  8. Not Pollo Campero, but close enough!
  9. Hanging with members
  10. Christmas tree!!