Wow! It’s Christmas time! I’m sure we can all agree that time has been going by super fast. I’m sure you are all filled with the Christmas spirit of giving and checking off the endless checklists of groceries. Everything is going well on our side of the world, we’ve been working hard everyday. Christmas has also started here in Guatemala. Everyone is putting up their lights, Christmas trees and of course their cute nativity scenes.

We’ve already been marking our calendar and have 4 Christmas dinners with 4 families so far! Things will be getting crazy soon!

This week flew by, mostly because we were running around, literally all over the place. We started our week off with exchanges, Hna. Reina went to Melchor and I stayed here in Santa Elena with Hna. Gotay. I got to know her a little better than before, she’s from Honduras and she’s a cutie. Wednesday we got the awesome opportunity to go to a couple of our lessons with President Alvarado and his wife. It was super cool watching how President bore his testimony and offered to give a blessing to the families. What a cool experience, they felt a lot of the spirit. To finish our time together we went to visit one of our progressing friends, Elvin who is in a wheelchair. We changed the meeting just a bit when we found him running away from his house because his stepfather was physically abusing him, scary! With President’s and the ward’s help, he’ll be getting more support.

Then the time came for our Zone Conference. Which means that as Zone Leaders, we were in charge of a training lesson. We had been practicing and practicing the night before so we could be prepared for the conference. Although everyone sees each other Mondays anyways, it was good to see President and his wife again.

Later that week we spent it in exchanges again. Hna. Reina stayed in Santa Elena this time and I went with Hna. Argüelles to Sayaxche. Home sweet home! Although I didn’t get to see some of my besties there, I saw my sweet convert family. I encouraged them to go to the next temple trip coming up and they said they would try their best. I hope they get to go.

We finished the week getting the transfers list and guess what!!! HNA. REINA AND I DON’T HAVE TO TRANSFER!!! She’s going to be my last companion and will be sending me home in a few weeks. It’s crazy to think that I’ll be removing my tag off for good, but for now I’m serving till day 0!

Love you all, see y’all in 6 weeks!!
