Hello Everyone!! Wow, it’s been an awesome couple of weeks! How have you guys been? I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter week! I saw some photos of what Utah looked like during this past week. We definitely are living in some way different climates. Here in Guatemala, things have been going way good. We had transfers and Hermana Delgado went to Tatic, not far from Cobán. I received my new companion, Hermana Benitez. She is amazing. Not going to lie… maybe my most favorite companion so far here in the field. We get a long like sisters (but don’t worry Ash, Lauren and Ally… don’t get jealous). We love to sing, dance, cook, travel, talk, read, etc. It’s really fun being with her. We also have a lot of the same personal goals here on the mission. For example working with all of our heart, might, mind and strength. She’s very humble spiritually. What I mean by that is that she knows we don’t know everything, but we know and can testify of the things we are teaching. She has a strong testimony that makes anyone feel the love she has for Christ is strong. She is from Argentina, she’s 20 years old and has 5 months in the mission. I’m so glad she is here with me! With her we have been having many fun experiences! Teaching has been a blessing with her since we get a long very well! We both work hard finding new people, and see many blessings from our efforts to do so. We both love to eat one another’s cooking! ** Mom and dad, she’s been invited to come visit us. **

Speaking on a different topic… this past general conference was quite the experience!! It was amazing! On Saturday, we got the opportunity to watch one session of general conference with the mission president and other missionaries in Cobán. We all met there, made a breakfast buffet with eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes, fruit, etc. We all talked and got ourselves ready for the first session. It was amazing, we felt the spirit a lot. Watching together and then after sharing what we learned made it very easy to understand and to feel the spirit. After the fist session we were all supposed to go home, Hermana Alvarado (president’s wife) told us that we might as well stay for lunch and eat what was leftover from breakfast. So we stayed… and another session passed! Amazing! After that session, Hermana Alvarado got out the table game Jenga… At this point we got the hint, she didn’t want us to leave. So we ended up staying for the the whole day, it was awesome! Since the Sisters helped with breakfast the Elders volunteered to help with dinner, which I think won the heart of many, especially Hermana Alvarado. That’s probably my most favorite day on the mission. It felt like home with everyone there! Anyways we’ve been trying to put into action everything that was taught in general conference. Even smashing plastic bottles has become a habit!

I’m happy to be here in Periferico. It of course has a different type of progression than San Jeronimo, but I love it. I love the investigators we’ve been working with and of course some of the members are AMAZING!! I’ve been getting really close to some of them. Of course, being close to other missionaries in person has been a blessing as well. Almost 2 or 3 days every week we get together and do something as a district or as a group of Hermanas! We’re still working on meeting with the zone, apparently some of the Elders don’t like to spend time with the Hermanas. That’s too bad for them, because we’re pretty awesome!

A funny, but scary story… today was our district meeting. After our meeting, some Sisters and Elders went out to eat at McDonald’s. After ordering our food we sat down and Hermana Kauer and I were sitting by some of the Elders in this group. We were getting to know them when one of the newest Elder started to talk about how much he misses his girlfriend, who turns out isn’t even exactly his girlfriend. It literally felt like he was reading us his “Dear Mary..” letter. Out of the blue the topic of marriage after the mission came up. You guys… Elders are crazy!! They spent a solid hour and a half talking to us about how it doesn’t really matter if we get married 6 months or 5 months after our mission! They were very passionate about what they were saying so I didn’t break it to them, that 6 months might be a little too fast!! Anyways we ended the discussion with one of the the Elders saying to me… “Hermana Possié, I can tell you’re thinking a lot. Just trust me, have faith in God and don’t worry about the timing.” Jeez Luis!!! Through out the entire discussion I was thinking of everyone in my family who are married have told me the exact opposite! Here is this Elder, thinking I was planning my own “Dear John…” letter in my head. Some of the Elders are crazy! Yeah, that was my funny, crazy and kind of scary story of the day.

Anyways, thanks for reading everyone! I hope everyone is okay! I would love to see some more Easter photos or some of you guy’s crazy experiences this past week!

Love you guys and I’ll talk to you guys next Monday!!
