Hello everyone! These past weeks have been some of my favorites on the mission. All from making our goals for the mission to making Argentine empanadas with my companion, it was great.
This past week we spent the majority of our week outside of our area, in San Marcos. Hermana Sosa and Hermana Kauer received another companion (Hermana Woodling) as an emergency transfer. And they spent 2 weeks together. However, 1 day after they put Hermana Woodling, Hermana Kauer, and Hermana Sosa in a three-some, we got called out of our area because Hermana Sosa and Woodling were sent to the hospital. 👀 Wait what? But don’t worry, they only had parasites.

Almost 3 days this week we were taking care of all of the 5 missionaries (not just them) in the hospital and working with Hermana Kauer in San Marcos. So this week was a huge relief that we actually could be working in our area. We spent a lot of time visiting members and inactive members this week, and we found more new people to teach this way. We had a lot of fun hanging out This week we’ve also been working a lot on learning how to make traditional dishes from Argentina. I’ve learned how to make empanadas, and they are amazing. Don’t worry I’ll be putting the recipe in a separate blog.