Hello everyone! How is everyone doing? I hope you are all doing well!

This week went by incredibly fast. All weeks are going by incredibly fast. This week we worked with many many members in finding new people to teach. And it was very successful. We found a handful of people who are interested in (maybe not getting baptized yet) but in learning more about the gospel. Which is always good. On a different day we had an activity with the Relief Society, we made empanadas again. They absolutely loved it. I think one thing that almost all girls have in common here in Guatemala, is that they love to cook. So we had a family search name printing marathon and in exchange we taught them how to make empanadas. It was really awesome because all of them wanted to learn, so all of them printed family names to take to the temple that same week. I even printed one of my family names for one of the Hermanas to do. It was an awesome bonding and supporting experience. Mom, let bishop Morbey know that I will be so ready for a calling in the Relief Society or Young Womans when I get home. Just give him the hint hint. Because if not Mal is going to drag me to the singles ward. Ew, please no. Anyways, I had a lot of fun with them.

Later this week, well yesterday, we got to go visit a family that was building their house and wanted a house dedication, or a priesthood blessing for their house. I had no idea that you could do that. (One of the many things that Ive been learning about is the priesthood, I literally knew nothing about that power before my mission.) Which is way cool. Anyways we had that, and we also got to visit a family for lunch. One of my favorite families, the family Coy Pape. We played chess until all of them beat me and my companion. And then we got to see one of our investigators in the sacrament this week. He is pretty awesome, his name is Jonathan and he reminds me a lot of Lauren. But it was cool to see him come visit us during the sacrament and then continue to make friends with the young men. Now were planning to have 2 activities this week because of him. One was to learn how to dance, and another to do a service project and play volleyball. He’s awesome. Anyways, other than this we did the normal. It went by so so fast.

Oh, I guess another thing that was interesting was that my companion found a boyfriend this week, and so we were talking about that a lot. But yeah, thats basically it for this week. I hope everyone is doing well! I wish you guys all a good one! Ill talk to you guys later.

Love you! Ari