Hay y’all, so I thought this was my last week here in Sayaxche, turns out it wasn’t. President left the mission for a conference, so he extended or postponed transfers for another week. Crazy. When they told me they were postponing I immediately thought, oh shoot, and all the people I said goodbye to? So we kept working for another week.

We also made flour tortillas with the amazing Hna. Rosalinda. It was super sweet, I can’t even express to you guys how much I love flour tortillas! They are soooo good.

Annndd now, this week was transfers. We visited Hna. Marta a lot. We even made pupusas with her. It’s always super fun being with her and her family.

My last day in Sayaxche I actually ate a turtle, which I liked… but when it came to the feet I couldn’t eat it any more! But other than the feet, everything else was delicious!

I hope you’re all doing well. The weeks are going by fast, it’s going to be November soon! Literally so crazy!!! But anyways, that’s all for this. I hope you all have a good one!! Catch you guys next week.

Love you,
