Hello everyone! How have you guys been? I’ve heard that these weeks in Utah have been freezing cold and that the snow has not yet stopped! For everyone that doesn’t like the snow, hang in there! It’ll start getting warmer in around… 3 months. Hehehe.

Time has gone by quickly here in Guatemala this past week. We’ve been finding a lot of new people to teach and we’re wrapping up teaching for our future baptisms. Right now we have (commited) plans for one of our investigators to get baptised this Sunday. Her name is Anallely. She’s 22 years old and she’s been wanting to get baptised since she was 10. Due to the lack of permission from her father, she wasn’t able to get baptised before. Now she’s commited, I refuse to leave my area before she’s baptised!

This week I’ve been working really hard on wrapping up my training with Hermana Andino. Things have been challenging my patience a lot! There’s only so much you can do as a trainer before sending out your trainee out to the field. Training has made me think of how scared I was before transfers. I felt really coddled by my trainer and then when I was let go from my training, I definitely did not feel prepared. Now I can say that I know that companions are put together for a reason.

Here on the mission I have learned many many things, but one of my favorite things that I’ve learned to do here is my daily scripture study. That’s one thing that I had never really done before my mission. Now I’m reading in Mark and 3 Nephi and I’ve never felt more spiritually strong and at peace. I can testify to all of you who are reading, that no matter who you are, no matter if you are active or in-active in the church, reading the scriptures will let you feel peace. Sit down, take maybe 10 minutes everyday to read a little something. I know that with an open heart and open mind, you can feel the love Christ has for you!

This coming Saturday I’ll hear whether or not I have transfers. I’m not really nervous. After being in San Jeronimo for 6 months, I feel like my time has come to get to know another area and more people. Who knows what God’s plan is for me. Maybe I’ll stay for another couple of months. Who knows. I will definitely let you guys know. In the meantime I’ll take more photos and videos so I can always remember what it’s like her in San Chomo!

I hope that you all can have an amazing week and can enjoy spending time with your family. I love you all and I’m grateful for your love and support for me!

Love you guys!

Ari (Hermana Possié)