Hey y’all, so this week was the lat 3 days in Sayaxche and my new beginning in my new area. Transfers finally happened on Tuesday and I was totally surprised to hears.. “Hna. Chacaltana will be leaving Santa Elena and in her place will be Hna. Possié as zone leader along side Hna. Reina”. WHATTTT?? I was certainly not expecting that! I was familiar with many of the members and investigators because I had visited the area before. It was weird because almost most of them told me they were going to pray for me to go there! Whattt? Santa Elena is the best, I love it here!

So as I said my final farewell and finished teaching Carlos (Marvin’s brother) for baptism, I packed all my things and the next thing we knew we were on the bus to Cobán. We spent the night in San Marcos after eating out at the mall. We caught up with each other and then the next day was transfers. Hna. Reina and I were together, which we both weren’t expecting because we ge along so well! After transfers, we made the 12 hour bus ride back to our area. We left at 3pm and arrived in Santa Elena at 3:30am. Ay no, these trips are going to kill me, but oh well!

Anyways, that about all for this week. I’m excited to see what happens this next week in Santa Elena.

Love you and miss you all!

