Hello everyone!! This is the blog that I’ve been meaning to send for the past 3 weeks, yeah sorry about that! For those of you thinking, “how will she remember her mission??” I always write in my personal diary, don’t worry! 😉 But literally these past weeks have been an absolute blur.

The Comp

Hermana Pineda and I have been working constantly in finding new people to teach, knocking on doors till my feet have actually turned 4 different colors! It’s been hot and humid, but we’re working through it. I keep realizing everyday that my days are counting down on the mission and I have to make the best of everyone that I have left. My new companion is Hermana Pineda, she’s from El Salvador. She’s such a sweet hearted person, she gives me a lot of motivation. She loves to laugh, tease and we get along really super well. She’s a vegetarian, serving in Guatemala. For that reason she’s not a vegetarian that eats small amounts of chicken when forced! Being a vegetarian on a mission in Guatemala is not easy! It’s a good thing she’s cute! In the meantime, I’ve been stuffing myself with all the meat she doesn’t eat. Mom told me this past Monday, “that’s one way to ‘beef’ yourself up!” That was a good one mom! 💕

My Area

So I’m still in Sayaxche, just with a new companion. There’s a lot of potential here so we’ve been busy everyday. We’ve been starting to teach a couple of families who have been progressing a lot recently. This past week, we taught a new contact (a new friend) and put a baptizimal date. This will be the first baptism I get to be a part of in the past 7 months. I’m more than excited! We’re working hard with the members, specially with the youth. They are the most helpful members of the branch. We’re thinking of some games or activities we can do with them… Let us know if you guys have any cool activities in mind.

The Mission

The other week, the mission got together to have another multizone conference, it was super awesome! If I haven’t mentioned it yet, the mission has been changing A LOT! Before they cancelled the idea of “whole mission conference”, to only “zone conferences”. It’s a smaller conference and a little boring. The whole mission got the opportunity to get together and all the missionaries got a chance to visit with each other and catch up. The Elders talked about their crazy experiences in Q’ueqchi’ speaking areas, while the sisters talked about their amazing experiences in their areas as well. It was awesome to get together as a mission again.

Cool Story

So here’s a cool story… A while ago, maybe when I had 8 months on the mission, I got a message on Facebook Messenger. It said, “Hi Sister Possié, my name is Kara Garcia, I’ve been called to serve in the Cobán Guatemala Mission soon and I need your help!!” I was like what?? How did this girl find me? I came to find out that one of the Elders that I knew on the mission had heard that Sister Garcia had been called to the same mission and reached out to her. He told her that there was a way “sweet and chill” Hermana on the mission that could help her out. I wonder who that could be? 😉

So for the past 5 months, Sister Garcia and I have been corresponding with each other and now we’ve become really good friends. But it gets better! She’s from Salt Lake City, but the best part is that her background and mine are very a like. Her father is from Guatemala, Guatemala City, just like my dad. Her mom is American. She doesn’t know Spanish very well, but understands and she’s learning faster than the other Americans on the mission. Her parents met through the Church and her family has a house just outside of Antigua Guatemala.

Did I not just describe myself!!

Anyways that’s all that’s really happened these past weeks, I hope you’re all doing fine as well! I love you all and I will talk to you guys next week! Ciao!

  1. 4 different colored feet 🦶🏻🦶🏼🦶🏽🦶🏾
  2. Contacting with Hermana Ericka and Hermana Mayra
  3. Finding Elders in their natural state.
  4. Cooking tortillas
  5. Our district
  6. We literally bough hammoks
  7. The temple (they say it’ll be open in December)
  8. The multizone, everyone complains that the Elders talk too much to the American Sisters, sorry guys we’re just too cool!
  9. Just hangin with the comp. 😆😉
  10. Hermana Sosa is going home, we had to take one last photo.
  11. The ‘familia’ here on the mission
  12. Hna. Andino
  13. Hna. Andino (the comp I trained) and the 2 sisters she’s training
  14. Hna. Delgado
  15. I loveeee Cobán 🥰🛺🇬🇹
  16. Hna. Garcia