Hey everyone! It’s been a while since i’ve talked to you guys right! I’m back, sorry for such a big break!

I’m now in Cobán, the center of the mission! It’s a lot different than San Jeronimo! There are a lot of stores, a lot of cars, a lot of people. Which really reminds me of North Ogden, it’s been a while since I’ve been around many many people. I’m with Hermana Delgado now, she has 3 months on the mission. It’s been a daily process getting used to the new normal of Cobán and the new normal of our lives as companions. But little by little I’m learning and teaching with more confidence in the area and my companion. Right now since I’ve come in we’ve been working really hard, my companion says that she’s worked harder than she’s ever worked before. I broke her out of her training by moving to Periferico. So ivI’vee been working hard on helping her learn more (basically finish the training she never really received before). But I love her much! I’m excited to see her progress and grow into an awesome missionary!

The members are awesome. They are always helping out without new members and investigators! We have a couple of families that are our favorites, of course. Right now we’re planning on attending a couple of family home evenings this week it will be awesome! Oh, which reminded me! If you guys know of some….send me some recipes of desserts that are easy to make and don’t take much time! I definitely need some more recipe ideas. Take note that we don’t have an oven, only electric stove, microwave, and fridge. Thanks! Anyways, let me know how you guys are doing! Send me some audios in Facebook! It brings me a lot of joy hearing all of your voices!!

Ahhh, which also reminded me of my package!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! I literally sat in my bed for 30 mins smelling the clothes my mom sent me. It smelled like home. I ate my candy already…..sorry. And I totally have read the many letters sent to me from family and friends. Reading from you guys takes me back home for a split second. Its weird because I sometimes forget that I had a life before the mission. So thanks so much for your love and your support. Also, holy spiders here in Cobán. I have never been braver in my life. Dad be proud of me, I can kill spiders now. Every companion I’ve had so far have been scared of insects. Which is unfortunate for me because I’ve had to be the person killing cockroaches, beatles, and…….spiders. Cobán has a different breed. Spiders just as big as my hand that fall from the trees above our house. Im telling you guys, my comp can never sleep at night. You can hear the animals and insects that are crawling on our tin roof. And after my comp had an accident with a spider the other day, she’s now petrified. Sooooo, I’ve manned up. Im now a spider killing machine. So Ashley, Lauren, and Ally, when I come home, we no longer have to call dad to come kill spiders. One of the many blessings I’ve gained from serving my mission in Cobán Guatemala. Spider killing superpower.

Anyways, thats just about it for this week! Love you guys so much! This next week we’ll be having a baptism and our multizone meeting so I’ll let you guys know how its going.

Love you all much!! Talk to you guys later!!

Love from your favorite missionary, Ari


  1. Hna. Delgado and I
  2. Hna. Arce and I
  3. Cute decoration at restaurant
  4. Posing with peacock
  5. Hna. Arce and I
  6. Hna. Morales
  7. Hna. Morales, Kauer, Morales, Arce and I
  8. Hna. Kauer
  9. Missionary Uno night!!
  10. Hna. Delgado and I
  11. Hna. Narda and family
  12. Hna. Delgado and I
  13. Hna. Kauer and I at Panda Express!!
  14. Hna. Morales, Kauer, Delgado, Chacaltana, Me, Arce,
  15. Hna Delgado and I cleaning the font.
  16. Hermano Angel