Hello everyone, its been a while! I think i left you all on a cliff hanger last time I wrote. Good news…..im still alive! I recently (3 weeks ago) got transfered to Peten. Which was something I was not expecting! Peten is beautiful, but it is just about the hottest place on the mission. Every day I am grateful that i didn’t melt into a puddle while knocking doors. After we shower in morning we remain clean for about 30 mins and then absolutely get covered in sweat. Regardless, it’s very beautiful here. We’ve met lots of kind people ready to listen to our ‘mensaje’ and accept the gospel.

My new companion is Hermana Vidal, she’s super cute! She’s from México and knows how to cook. I’ll be learning how to make mexican enchiladas soon!! She has 4 months on the mission and she’s super sweet, ready to work really hard with me here in Sayaxche.

These past weeks we’ve been seeing and having a lot a mirarles. Just so you guys understand we’re in an area that has never had Sister missionaries before. So it’s taking a hot second for people to get usted to our cute faces! Everyone has been very welcoming. We’ve gotten many meals from the members, including those who have almost nothing…. I’m very grateful for them.

Our area has a giant lake that separates different parts of our area. That means that every once in a while we get to cross a lake to visit members and investigators. It’s awesome. But since all the vapor rises because of the heat, its SUPER humid and SUPER hot. I never knew that my hair was curly since I’ve come to Peten. If you saw it, you would say it was out of control!!

The area has been progressing little by little. We’ve been working with many memebers, gaining their confidence so we can bring them investigators. Other than that, we’ve been melting but happy here. I’m glad that its my turn here in Peten!

Sending you all the best wishes! Have a happy 4th of July! I love you all! Dad happy birthday! I love you! I love y’all!!! 💕 Talk to you guys monday! ~ Ari