Misión Guatemala Cobán
6 ave 2-36 Zona 1, Cobán, A.V

Dear Parents,

Receive cordial greetings. We are very grateful to serve alongside your daughter. Considering that our first responsibility is to ensure the safety and protection of your missionary, we are being informed of a situation which we are always monitoring; In the country of Guatemala, social manifestations are taking place due to the political situation it is going through, which has generated road blockades, business closures, and shortages of gasoline and basic food items.

This situation has occured with greater intensity in the country’s capital, and although until now it has been developing peacefully, however, we have proposed to provide direction to our missionaries; Among the instructions give are: Take shelter in your home, if necessary, have enough food and water, and always be within sight and communication of your companion.

We want you to know that all the missionaries are well and continue to serve with faith in the Savior, and with hope that the situation the country now faces will improve for the better. As they do so, we invite you to join in prayer for this beautiful country, so that an adequate solution is found and above all, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ continues to be preached, which will bring peace and joy, both in our mission and in the rest of the missions in Guatemala.


President Jorge Alvarado,

Guatemala Cobán Mission.