Monday was pretty cool, after a week of work we managed to relax and travel to San Benito. It’s always nice to get together as a district or a zone. We got together as a zone because President gave the Peten missionaries a “special activity” because we kept our homes clean! We all went and played soccer which is always fun. I mean I’m not any good at playing soccer but I enjoy it.

During this week we felt super excited to continue working for our Father in Heaven. We took every opportunity to share the gospel with someone new. Although I’ve been doing that throughout my mission, these past months have felt a bit different. Everytime I share my testimony, I start to choke up and I feel that my heart is being twisted up into a million knots. I know that the Spirit always testifies to me that missionary work and the lessons we teach are true.

This week we had a huge miracle happen to us. President had given us our monthly interviews and invited us to spend more time focusing on our goals that we set each week. We set the high goal of teaching 11 new people. This has never been done before in Sayaxche. One of our investigators who was interested in learning more about family history invited us over to their daughter’s birthday party. Normally we don’t attend these events because they take a lot of time and it’s hard to teach. We thought about not going, but then we gave it a second thought. We kept getting a feeling that we needed to go, we needed to help them some how so we decided to go. As it turned out many of their family members attended and as a result many of them showed interest in learning more about the gospel of Jesus Christ. We finished the week surpassing our original goal with having taught 14 new people.

Having faith and hope in God to guide us, we managed to reach and even surpass the goal that we had set for ourselves!

Love Ari.