Wow, Its been a while right? I’ve been great! Every week that passes by I find myself saying, “wow that went by fast!” I’m grateful for the opportunity to be writing to you guys! I know that I’ll totally regret all of the weeks that I didn’t write in my blog, but hey…. repentance is real.

So right now I’m in an internet cafe writing my blog, with strep throat. I have no idea why but every year for the past 2 years I’ve been getting strep. And now it sucks. Being sick in the mission is garbage. No dad to spoil you, no mom to make you chicken soup, no sisters to hang out with you, no dog to cuddle, and the worst of all…….no movies!! Don’t worry I’ll survive, but I’m not completely sure my companion will. Mom, Dad, you guys know what it’s like when im sick. Yeesh. Anyways, this week was an awesome last week for Hermana Delgado and I. We’ll be having transfers this coming wednesday. Hermana Delgado is getting “her dream” and leaving Periferico to……who knows where. And I have a feeling I’ll be training again. But who knows, the mission works in mysterious ways.

This week we spent a lot of time visiting members, inactives members, and investigators. Basically everyone. It was awesome! Our investigators aren’t really progressing so we’ve been really working hard in finding new people too. So I officially have 8 months in the mission…..going on 9. This is crazy. I feel like I’ve been out for 4. Really weird. Im trying to enjoy every single bit of it before it goes by too fast! But you guys! I love you all. I’m not sure if this email even made it! I’m a little scatter brained right now, but I hope you all had a good week! I’ll let you guys know if I survive and who will be my new companion.

Love you all!