Hola todos! Les amo muchisimo! (I love you very much!) I’m sorry this blog post has been a little delayed, but I’ll include a lot of what has been happening this past week.

This week I received the wonderful opportunity to have Hermana Gabrie as my temporary companion for 2 days while Hermana Morales and Hermana Gabrie’s comp went to the capital to sign their immigration visa. I was a little bit nervous because I’m still somewhat new to the area (4th week here) and I don’t know where all the members live yet. However it turns out there was actually nothing to even worry about. Hermana Gabrie has completed 15 months of her mission. She goes home in December. Which is crazy because she told me that she feels like she just finished her 4th month. Anyways, we got really close during our two days together. It was funny, but because of her lighter skin tone everyone for some reason thought we looked exactly the same. We didn’t think so but I don’t know, what do you guys think? We had a lot of fun exploring San Jeronimo and all the members in the area. We share the same humor and love some of the same things. We both like to eat and sleep which are somethings we don’t get a lot of here on the mission. We also both love k-pop (Korean pop music) and k-dramas (Korean drama tv series) so we talked and bonded a little over that as well. My favorite thing about Hermana Gabrie was her expertise at missionary work! She sets the bar very high with her excellent teaching skills. I caught myself jotting notes down after a lesson so I wouldn’t forget! Well that only lasted for 2 days and then we were informed last Sunday that I was to travel to the capital the next day. So I packed a week’s worth of stuff, woke up the next day around 4am and traveled by bus for the next 8 hours. It really wasn’t that far, but traffic, accidents that occurred along the way and then the rainy weather all made it difficult to travel very fast but we finally made it! I got to talk to my family for a little bit which is always something I look forward to. I apologize for not being able to reply to some of your comments on the blog. I’ll make sure to look through each one of them this coming Monday!

My language skills are progressing!! This week I feel like I have talked more than I normally do. Now I can teach any lesson I want! On to the next goal for this month, which is to memorize “The Living Christ” in English and Spanish. For those who might not know what that is, here is the link in English and Spanish!! If any of you have some awesome memorizing tips, let me know because the memorizing has been a struggle for me!

Oh here is something funny… Sometimes when I’m talking in Spanish I make mistakes, some of them are a little awkward, like this one…

There was a sister missionary who had really beautiful hair so I tried to compliment her by reaching over and brushing her hair and saying “Su caballo es muy bonito!” When the correct word for hair is “cabello”, “caballo” actually means horse! She of course laughed and told me that I needed to study a little more, but I’m totally content with my mistakes! That’s the only way we can learn right?!

Anyways, that’s my week!! Crazy, crazy! We haven’t had any baptisms this week (or at all). However I look forward to our investigators progression. I’ve learned how to be patient in all aspects! ;-)

Thank you so much, you guys are always reading and commenting on my posts and I love it so much! Thank you, I love you guys with all of my heart! Have a good week!


  1. Exchanges with Hermana Gabrie!!
  2. 2 of the 3 K-Pop fans in the mission… be proud!
  3. Almost got ran over by a motorbike taking this photo!
  4. Pequeñita y preciosa
  5. Day 2 together! Waited 30 mins for the bus!
  6. Mmmm plantains…
  7. Tacos and papas fritas! Our favorite!
  8. When president asks you to send photos of you working out!
  9. Chocolate chip pancakes!
  10. Me and my new backpack!!
  11. Hermana Sulman made us “Mom’s type” of spaghetti! I ate 3 plates!
  12. Hermana Clementina’s 41st cumpleaño.
  13. Guatemala City, the Elder didn’t get that I wanted a photo of the city not his head!!