This week was also a crazy one, after Hna. Marta’s baptism we had a break from stress of organizing and coordinating a baptism. Hna. Pineda had finally had her first baptism after 5 months and mine after 2 months. We were filled with joy and encouraged to continue working diligently so we could have her second. We visited many people, friends and inactive members kept us busy with lessons and service projects.

The week was oddly cold. It rained almost everyday at the same hour as the day before.

We helped Hna. Moran, who is an inactive return missionary make flour tortillas on a makeshift emergency stop top. I don’t even know what to call it! Nevertheless it worked, we ate some delicious tortillas. She offered us what looked like coffee. She tried to convince us that it wasn’t, but after a closer inspection we felt that she was trying to deceive us, needless to say we didn’t drink it!

We spent some time in Santa Elena on our P-Day. That meant we would be spending half of Tuesday there as we had to attend district council. Funny part about that day was that all the Hna’s were invited to eat lunch at Hna. Rosa’s home. She always gives us a giant plate of food which of course we felt it was only polite to eat it all (as my grandma taught me)! We ended up eating a mountain of mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, chicken sorpresa, honey covered pumpkin and fried chicken. I’ve never felt so full in my life. I was on the edge of bursting a button my normally loose fitting dress! That’s how bad it was! I’m grateful for her food, wonderful advice and funny stories that she shares with us everytime we visit.

On Sunday, our branch made a trip to San Benito for our stake conference. This was the second stake conference I was able to attend since my first area. All week long we prayed and fasted to God, hoping that our friends and members would be able to attend conference with us. We visited literally everyone with the single purpose of inviting them to stake conference. We witnessed a miracle that Sunday. All members and 6 friends that we were teaching filled the bus! We were ready to go! We were filled with joy that our Heavenly Father had once again blessed us with yet another miracle and had answered our prayers. Everyone enjoyed the conference! After taking many photos we hit the road and returned to Sayaxche. It was nice to see many of our friends join us for such a powerful experience.

Love Ari.