Hello, happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone is doing fine and I hope y’all haven’t melted yet from the scorching hot Utah weather! This week has been a good week, with many days of walking, traveling, shopping, teaching and also filled with many many miracles.

We started the week off in Cobán since my companion had an unexpected trip to the capital….. well unexpected to us. She left Monday afternoon as I got to stay in what still feels like my “home sweet home” (Cobán) here in the mission. Just the change of weather, noise of car horns, and busy bodies moving from place to place made me remember beautiful Central Cobán. I was just happy to be in an area less humid and hot than Peten. It was weird being close to the missionaries once again. Normally we don’t get to see other missionaries till transfers, but being able to talk and hang out with some of my well known friends was a great way to recharge my batteries, which I didn’t even know needed recharging!

Hermana Salinas was my companion for 4 days till Hermana Vidal came back from the capital. She’s very sweet and one of my good friends here on the mission. We did our studies together, went out to eat a lot and made many impulsive purchases…… let me explain.

Our trip to Coban this past week coincided with the Mission President’s planned vacation to Tikal. At the beginning of the month president asked us if we would like (as a zone) to accompany he and his wife to Tikal. We of course said YES!! We spent weeks saving our money up to buy cool souvenirs and buy cool foods….. but 2 days before our trip the mission secretaries let us know that we wouldn’t be able to go because Hermana Vidal was needed in the capital. I was very disappointed and in my grief I made an impulsive purchase and got myself a ukelele! 🙈 Hermana Salinas thought it would cheer me up and help me learn a new hobby! I’m excited, but I’m not sure my companion was excited to see me with a new ukelele when she returned.

Little by little we’ve been finding people to teach. There are many people who will listen to our messages and maybe invite us to eat, but very few are progressing. This week we found a couple of referrals there were refered to us by a member and we started to teach to them. A lot of them seem very interested in learning. I’ll let you guys know if they continue to progress, I have a lot of faith in them.

Anyways, other than that we’re doing fine here in Sayaxche. Im learning Q’eqchi’ (the mayan language in our mission) and we finally have water, however now we dont have power….. oh well you can’t have it all! Dad you always knew that I love to put candles in the house, so that wasnlt too hard for me.

Anyways fam, thats all for this week! I love you guys and miss you all. Thank you for your prayers and I’ll see you guys soon! Love you all!