Hello Everyone!! I hope this week has been a good week for all of you! I heard it’s starting to get warmer in Utah, finally!! I can imagine all of the tulips are starting to come up and the green grass will soon be sprouting up! Here everything is green year-round.

This week has definitely been a good one! We have been working on finding progressing investigators and working really hard with members. Sometimes it’s difficult to find people who are actually interested in learning about the gospel, but hey that’s what life on the mission is like. Climbing mountains all day in sunny, hot and humid climates has been the norm for this week. Working with my companion, Hna. Benitez has been amazing, she’s a great missionary! Working with my district has also been a great time! We all get along very well and get together at least twice every week. Our district consists of 4 Hermanas and 2 Elders. So basically it’s a party every time we get together. However there will be somewhat of an adjustment to our district, the mission is adding another Hermana to the district as an emergency transfer. Her companion got really sick and is now going home. The new sister is getting sent to San Marcos. Hopefully it goes well, I’ve heard that threesomes can get challenging on both ends, when the companions get along too well they can’t get along at all.

This week we’ve been working on making videos on Facebook with the Hermanas from San Marcos, which has been an assignment from the mission. Hermana Kauer and I are somewhat creative in our videography skills, so they gave the assignment to us. Woohoo!! It’s honestly super fun working with the Hermanas in projects like these. I hope the videos are inspiring and entertaining.

My awesome compi the other day taught me how to make choripan. It was super good and I’m so looking forward to learning how to make her empanadas. Oh yeah, if you didn’t know yet she’s from Argentina, so I’m trying to take advantage of these authentic recipes. Which reminds me that whenever the members or investigators are talking to my compi about foods in her country, they always ask me, like they don’t already know the answer. I just think it’s funny. But this week I’ll be teaching a lot of people how to make brownies.

That was it for this week! The weeks are literally flying and there is nothing I can do but enjoy every moment. Thank you for reading my blogspot this week! I do have 2 things to ask from you guys.

  1. That you guys pray for Rosa Chum Pop, Daysi Coy Chun, Esteban Coy so that they can have a greater desire to get baptized.
  2. I need some ideas for an activity we can do with the ward, the theme has to be “missionary work”.

Thank you everyone! I love you guys and wish you all the best!

Ari (Hna. Possié)