Hola todos! It’s been a crazy week like always! I finally got settled in Mexico and I’ll be leaving in a week! I’m just a little bit sad that I’ll be leaving all of the friends I’ve made here at the CCM. Next week will definitely be a week for tears. But anyways, let’s not think about that. Hermana Schramm and I have been working really hard. Companion study, personal study, and language study has been very successful this week. We’ve been practicing Spanish a lot during class and have been practicing with some of our friends who work for the CCM as well.

We had a service project earlier this week which was actually fun. Sometimes being cooped up in the same routine with the same people can get exhausting, so it was fun to be able to change things up. We picked weeds on the track field… well most of us did. Me and my now social butterfly self spent some time talking to one of the workers there that was helping us. His name is Nefi, yes like the one from The Book of Mormon. Isn’t that so cool! We talked about our families and our experiences here at the CCM. He even gave me a “how to lesson” on how to make tamales when I told him I liked to cook latin foods. I’m sure he made it way easier than it sounds, but once I got home I wrote all of the instructions he gave me on a piece of paper so I could try it in the future. Anyways, I’m glad I’ve been making friends here. At first, I was unsure if it would be a quick adjustment for me. However, if you walk around the CCM with me you’ll quickly notice that that is not the case.

Classes have been running smoothly. We’ve started teaching lessons to our teachers. Hermana Schramm and I have a lot to learn still, but our efforts are never failing. We press forward with a smiling face. Well… most of the time. Anytime after breakfast we are pressing forward with a smiling face.

We’ve been getting busier and busier as STLs (Sister trainer leaders). Many meetings and greetings everywhere. However, we wouldn’t trade it for anything. We enjoy the women in our branch. They are so so sweet and have so much to learn. It’s crazy how just one or two weeks ahead of the new missionaries (we call them carne fresca) can feel like an eternity.

Our district has been the same as always, crazy. They found a new member to their ‘casita’ (house), her name is Hermana Ocho (Sister Eight). I know what you’re thinking… “missionaries are totally not supposed to have females even close to their casitas”. Well you’re totally right. But to be honest I’m not sure this eight-legged furry female would be welcome anywhere else. So I guess it’s fine that we leave her just where she is. As Hermana Schramm said, “boys will be boys”. I didn’t know this phrase could also be interpreted as “boys are actually crazy”.

Anyways, we had an amazing opportunity this week. One of the members of the 70s came to talk at the CCM. For those of you who don’t know he is a general authority of our church. Elder Douglas was his name and it was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had here at the CCM. If you would like to know more about the talk he gave, send me a separate email or let me know, I’ll send you my beautiful notes.

Thank you for all being patient with me! I appreciate all of you that read my blog and all of those who comment. I’m sorry that I can only respond one day a week, but I love reading your emails throughout the week. It has been a huge source of comfort for me! Thank you so much! I love you guys so much! I appreciate your kindness and your sacrifice you have made (whatever it may be) for me to be able to have the wonderful opportunity to wear this badge and serve the people. Love you guys! Make sure to message me or follow me on Facebook. I don’t post a lot but I’ll get better at that as well! Love you all! Buenas tardes!!

Las fotos:

  1. District 8A - my favorite is the cutie in the blue dress on the right.
  2. Selfie after our service project, don’t worry a picture of some of my other friends will be coming.
  3. “Entonces” - a word of many meanings and is impossible for any native Spanish teacher to not say.
  4. Me adjusting to the amount of food some of the boys eat during our meal times. This isn’t even the record.
  5. Some of the hermanas in our house got locked out of their bedroom. This is one of the funniest things that happened this week.
  6. The Elders…I don’t know why but they all looked like little boys.
  7. Photos of the district.
  8. Photos of the district.