HELLO EVERYONE!!! HOLA TODOS!!! This week has been quite a roller coaster ride. It’s been an emotional week, next week will be even more emotional. I have about 30 mins to write so I’ll make this quick. I feel like i’m constantly running around all the time, however, if you ask my family they’ll probably tell you that they only see me out of my room for 5 or 6 hours a day. To get a snack or a meal, visit for a couple of hours, and then back to studying and zoom calls. I started the CCM - missionary training center (online) this week. For some reason, part of me thought it would be similar to taking online classes or doing school during a COVID-19 breakout. However, I very quickly realized that this isn’t the case. I’ve been speaking more Spanish than I have all year, learning almost 50 new words a day. I’ve (after hours of practicing with my wonderful companion) memorized The Missionary Purpose and Moroni 10:5, in English and Spanish. Phew, now going on to The First Vision. My companion’s name is Hermana Schramm (or what many people like to call her, Hermana Scram :)). She is so awesome!! We’ve spent so much time laughing and talking to each other online, it’s making me more and more excited to meet her in person. She is soon going to be serving in Omaha, Nebraska. I’ll be sad for the time we split. Were in a district with 10 other Elder missionaries, all of them are going to Chili. This is the most that I’ve talked to any boy (or 10 boys) my age since Jr. High. So when I come downstairs with a funny story about my class that day, my family’s response is always a weird look and then an awkward “yup, that’s what boys do”. Who knew? Yesterday was my P-day, so while the girls and mom went out to the lake, my dad and I went out shopping with my grandparents. It’s amazing how many people look at you while you have the badge on. I think this is the most attention I’ve gotten outside of my family. There are many thumbs-ups and many “Thank you for your work! Where are you serving?”. It is weird, but I really like it. If anyone gives me a chance to talk about my mission and where I am serving I could go on and on and on. It’s crazy, I have all this to say and I’m not even in Mexico yet. But stay tuned because that’s coming up in two weeks. CRAZY!! This post was really short, but make sure to write to me or send me a message on messenger. I know Ari has social media. It keeps getting weirder and weirder. Okay muchad, hasta luego!! Have a good Sunday everyone! Until next week!!


  2. Mi companera la Hermana Schramm o (Scram)
  3. Mi distrito
  4. Mi distrito
  5. Mom and I at the temple.
  6. Dad, and I went to the temple. Here’s a picture of us trying to keep our eyes open.
  7. Our faces when mom says “Okay, I’m going to take the picture now!”