Hola todos! Every week I think I’ll start by saying that this week has been a crazy week, but this week wins them all. In case you didn’t know, I am leaving for Guatemala this coming Monday. I have (in 3 days) completed 6 weeks of training for the mission.

For those of you who have been wondering how I feel about leaving, my response is that I feel close to the same as I felt when I left for the CCM. I’m excited to be able to share what I have learned and help others while speaking only Spanish. However, I am so sad to leave my family here at the CCM. Yes, it is a different type of sadness. I am sad that I might not ever be able to see some of these people again. So I have mixed emotions. Let me give you a rundown of some of the things that have happened this week. Starting at the beginning of the week studying has been taken another level. Hermana Schramm and I have been memorizing, reading, and teaching like crazy. So, this week has been a bit stressful. The good type of stress though. Stress that leads you to dancing to hymns at night, which turns out is an awesome end to your house devotionals.

My district and I got to teach some of my family members this past Saturday, which was a big highlight of my week but felt like forever ago. We taught Mami Cely and we taught my dad about Christ Like Attributes. It was an amazing lesson. Might I also add that when I walked back into my classroom after teaching, the majority of the boys in my class said this to me….”Hermana Possie’!! Your grandparents are AMAZING!!!” It made my day.

Being a STL/Sister Trainer Leader this week was honestly very difficult. We were constantly running around with the now 6 other Hermanas in our branch. We’ve been dealing with difficult situations a lot this week with some of the sisters, but I would do anything for those girls, they are amazing. Being an STL makes me understand why Hermana Schramm and I are companions. We’re always on the same level and we are always including the spirit with us everywhere we go. It’s sad that when we finally get used to the CCM we have to leave shortly after. I guess that’s the life of a missionary, always on the go and always meeting and making new relationships.

As for my many friends here at the CCM, they’re doing good! I’ve been visiting a lot with them before I leave. Our district got to do a service project this week with some of the workers at the CCM. They are all so nice of course! They even came by our class later this week and gave us pineapple coconut flavored yogurt, which is now my favorite! David is doing good, and so are the rest of my friends that work here. Don’t worry, I say it every week but photos are coming.

That’s about it for this week. I’m finishing this week off packing and getting everything ready to go! This has definitely been an exciting week full of many unexpected surprises. I’m sure there’ll be more in the next post. Thank you all for reading this and for emailing me! I appreciate it and love you all! Tengan una buena semana!


  1. Woke up to play spike-ball with the boys in our district! Learned that I have a huge late reaction to a physical sport at 6 a.m. in the morning.
  2. Selfe with some of the district members and Nefi!
  3. Hermana Longhurst took our door off for fun! Sometimes we have the weirdest source of entertainment.
  4. Our district and their treats for being such awesome people!
  5. Teaching Dad and Mami Celi was one of the biggest highlights of the week!
  6. Day at the temple
  7. Day at the temple
  8. Day at the temple
  9. If you look really closely the elder in the back of the bus on the left side is sleeping. It’s been a long week. Don’t ask about the 4s, I have no idea what it means either.
  10. Elder Danby had COVID so this was our special day we got to visit him.