Hola Todos!! This week was such a crazy week. When I sat down to write, my mind was all scrambled. Okay, I could write about this….oh wait…did that happen this week or last week? Wait a second, how long have I been in the MTC again? I’ve had the same schedule as last week, but for some reason waking up at 5:30 and falling asleep around 9:30 or 10 has become easier and easier. We’ve been working a lot this week, many many hours on zoom. Our breaks during our 3 hour classes are around 5 mins. So everytime we get that opportunity I jump off my chair and with supersonic speed, race downstairs, say hi to my family, grab something to eat, run back upstairs reciting everything i’ve been memorizing, and plop back in my chair, immediately feeling dizzy because that was the only form of movement i’ve done all day. Later this week we celebrated one of my teachers’ birthdays (Hermano Munguia). Our whole district put together 5-10 second minute videos of us saying happy birthday! It was pretty special when we presented it to him on our “graduation day”. There were many tears and lots of laughter as we watched the video. Being somewhat a stressful week for both students and teacher, it was good to watch a funny video and tell each other what we were grateful for. My district is seriously awesome! It did take me a week and a half to get used to being around 10 boys all the time. Coming from a house that is dominated by women, I’m sure you can imagine some of the things I’ve had to witness or hear for the first time these past 2 weeks. Here are a couple of funny stories from the online MTC this week; I got to hear my Spanish speaking teacher try a British accent for a solid 10 minutes. It was very…. interesting. Something that I’ve always wanted to hear but didn’t know till it happened. Long story short, I loved it but I still have no idea what he said. Apparently Hermano Munguia has been taking English slang lessons from some of the Elders in the MTC. Mistake #1. They recently taught him the phrase “What’s up?” is now overrated and the new term is “What’s cooking good looking?” He quickly went into action and used the phrase many times to greet passing Elders. He also quickly stopped using the phrase the moment he realized that saying it to some of the Hermanas (sisters) might not have been the most appropriate. The way he explained their response was priceless. Throughout the week, I got to play many games and watch a couple of Disney movies with my sisters. We’ve been sorting out what they get and what they don’t get from my room when I leave this coming Tuesday. The way this conversation went, someone would think I was dying. “So who’s going to take care of her plants when she leaves? Can I just have them? Also, I don’t think she’ll be needing some of her bedroom decorations or her clothes either. What about the room in general? Can I just have two?” That last part might have been exaggerated a little bit. But it doesn’t matter anyways because dad has already claimed it as his office room when i’m gone. :D I just realized how big of a pile I have in the corner of my parents bedroom. Let me tell you this, packing for a year and a half in 3 suitcases isn’t easy. Ashley and Kaden (sister and cousin) were wondering how missionaries come back from their mission with ‘enormous biceps’, because they are constantly lifting 50-100 pounds every transfer. ;) Anyways, I have to get going. I’ll be leaving next week and I am not even close to being packed yet. Thank you all for reading and being a blessing in my life! Love you! Talk to you next week!


  1. Busy day on ‘online MTC’. Also, I’ve used 2 stick-note pads so far.
  2. My ‘sister from another mister’ came to visit. Love that girl!!
  3. Our teacher’s reaction to our Happy Birthday video.
  4. Our online MTC graduation photo. Hermana Schramm, Elder Bingham and I didn’t have updated Zoom accounts so we put The Book of Mormon on our head instead.
  5. My district is the best!

*Also, make sure to email me or check out my blog (coban.possiefamily.com) ! I would love to hear from you guys! Love you!